Hyperbolic and plebeian observations on life.
About Me
- Name: Connoisseur of Human Folly
- Location: NC
"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" -Pride and Prejudice
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Hot Peppers
Does anybody else remember Brian Peppers? He became a bit of a phenomenon a few months ago when his picture, collected as part of Ohio's sex offender registry, was discovered by the internet community. It became a passing fad for a while to send a link to his pic to your friends, mostly to scare the crap out of them. The fact that he was...rather unusual looking was bad enough , but coupled with conviction of sexual crimes just makes him downright creepy. In fact, my husband, known for his stone cold inflappability, actually shuddered at the Peppers pic. Why is he so fascinating? Probably, because we feel he is a moral null. Yes, he is obviously got some real physical syndrome going on, which would make us feel some real cognitive moral dissonance in spreading around his pic like a sideshow horror. What evens the scale for us is that the only reason we are aware of Mr. Peppers is that he is included in a Sex Offender Registry. Our consciences go immediately from "AAAH GAAWD! Well, he can't really help it, poor guy." to "AAAH GAWD! THAT FREAK'S A PERVERT!!!" and we feel free to circulate his picture without guilt, as he obviously asked for it by being a pervert.
You are thinking, I'm sure, well this is all fine and good but why discuss an old and busted internet meme from months ago? Because I just saw this today, and I can't decide if I should feel bad for laughing my butt off at it.
Food for thought, as Brian goes down in the annals of history as a celebrity pervert. "Sleep tight! Don't let the bedbugs or Brian Peppers bite!" Could he really help it? Wouldn't almost ANY sexual imposition by poor Peppers seem "Gross"? You know he can't get any. Maybe he just got fed up with the rejections and started flashing himself in frustrated rage. Somehow, though, I doubt the "justifiable crime of hideousness" would stand up in court. I guess he is doomed to roam the aisles of the adult movie theater, sharing Pee Wee's popcorn.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Triple Six thrown down
This is extra special funny for me because I was raised Pentacostal. I'm pretty confident this video is being shown in the teen youth group of my old church, nonironically with a straight face. I wonder if this guy does concerts. Wouldn't it be the greatest thing ever if he got distracted on stage and started belting out the original rhymes to the song? I'd tithe to see that. Whum-PSSH!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Listen all y'all it's a sabotage
So I've found another awesome library job to apply for, this one I'm less qualified for than the one I didn't get. Not what I'd call encouraging, but I'm ever the optimist. The job description is way too awesome for me to not at least throw my hat in the ring. Getting a job is a lot like trying to get a date. Success depends a lot on confidence. So I'm chalking up my last employment smackdown to a fluke, undoubtedly one of their current volunteers wanted the job, or some flagrant nepotism. They will RUE THE DAY they didn't snatch me up when they had the chance. They will wish the heavens would open and smote them for their pretentious defiance in the face of the obvious divine gift of me.
The fact that library and supervisory experience is preferred does not necessarily bode well for me on paper, but I kill in the interview. Kill in a good way, not in a "leave actual gore and corpses" way. My success relies on my euphamistic interview massacre and the total ineptitude of fellow applicants. My second success requirment sounds like it relies soley on fate, which is not so reassuring. Maybe I could wrestle my future from the fates by means of sabotage. Perhaps I should set up a post outside the HR office downtown where I can guard against any remotely qualified applicants, ushering them through a door that opens onto an elevator shaft like in cartoons. Or maybe I can tell them slanderous lies about the job, causing them to flee in fear. "Hey, I heard the place is great...if you don't mind the crumbling asbestos everywhere and the infestation of ebola-carrying cockroaches...and the haunting by the ghost of Carrot Top's career, and those posters hanging in the breakroom of Michael Douglas, naked." It's those last ones that'll have 'em running for the hills.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
People like me
One of the things I dread the most in life is having to explain my taste in books. This inevitably comes up when conversations delve into hobbies. I always say "I read...A LOT." The next thing everyone says is "Oh? What do you read?" My mind starts to race and I always say what is true and what will be considered "respectable". I always say Jane Austen. I love my girl, Jane. But unfortunately my literary homeslice passed away some time ago with only a handful of publications under her belt. But she's not all I like. Sure, I've read a few classics, more than probably the average American (not saying much), but not as many as I'd like. Nonfiction usually puts me to sleep, and modern traditional fiction (what I call vanilla fiction) rarely hits the spot for me. What I really love with a passion is urban fantasy.
Last night I was among people like me. People who are unabashedly live a large portion of their lives with their noses in between a paperback cover (and often a hardback one). I went to my first ever book signing. And what made it all the more special, it was for paranormal romance series author, Sherrilyn Kenyon. It was cathartic, hilarious, enlightening, and reassuring.
I have a handful of authors who are like rock starts to me. Truly. Their works spoke to me on a deep psychological level, a level that nothing else had touched. The first and foremost was Laurell K. Hamilton. If I ever get to meet her at a book signing or any other kind of appearance, I have every confidence I will scream and wail to rival the teenyboppers at the Ed Sullivan Show the night the Beatles first performed. I'll never forget the day I stood in line at McDonald's during college and noticed the lady in front of me was reading a Buffy the Vampire Slayer book. I, loving the show, asked her if it was any good. She shrugged and said those fateful words, "It's ok, but if you really like this kind of stuff, the Anita Blake series is the best." Stick a fork in me, I was DONE after that. Anita's sarcasm and unflinching badassery helped to shape me into the sassy, moxious woman I am today. Now my favorites also include Charlaine Harris, Jacqueline Carey, Kelley Armstrong, Emma Bull, and the author I saw last night.
While Sherrilyn Kenyon writes what is classified as "paranormal romance", and her books are pretty racy, what makes her great is her world-building and her constant characters. We wait with baited breath for the next book and for the puzzle pieces that will make the whole thing make sense, each one hilarious and endearing. Last night while waiting among women, some who had driven hours from neighboring states, we talked and shared about our favorite authors and our favorite books. The only person up until that point who I had ever been able to share my secret literary passions with has been my sister-in-spirit, B. Surrounded by all these women who also felt weird and isolated by their taste in books, I felt like a member of a special sisterhood.
Example that I'm not as hardcore for my favorite books as I thought:

That is a tattoo I saw last night. Of Jean Claude. Jean Claude is a character. See here for the original.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Jane Austen in Space
Behold the extreme geekitude:
There was just something about that Wickam...something just wasn't right...
Why grandmother...what a hairy face you have...
Sigh...Darcy is such a badass.
I gotta give a big shoutout to Todd for helping me with my cool new header pic. You kick so much ass, man.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Surprising Self-awareness and Tomato Buckets: A Carolina Weekend
What do they have in common? Not a whole lot, except they both made appearances during my weekend. Saturday night we went to a fortieth birthday party held in a garage way out in the country. I'm serious. For those of you not fully acquainted with southern culture, a large freestanding garage is a perfectly acceptable place to have a social gathering. The garage in question was 40 by 60 feet, so it is large enough to have a block party, if one was so inclined. Though to gather enough people to fill it, one would have to invite the county, not just the block. We were invited by the birthday boy, but we were among the few not related to the celebrant or to the neighbor who owned the garage. A bit awkward, but we had an ok time. We feasted on a whole mess of ribs and pork loin, perfectly cooked. And yes, south of the Mason-Dixon a "whole mess" is a perfectly acceptable and recognized unit of measurement.
People were drinking heavily, which was fine. I was driving us home, so I got to observe everything with cool detached sobriety, though less fun. The host of the gathering had this awesome grill he made out of a large metal holding tank. It was big enough to fit a whole hog on. He supervised the grilling and proceeded to get so wicked drunk that by the end of the party all he could muster up in response to others was to glare, as if to say "you dare to ask me to verbalize?" It was pretty interesting. Apparently the bursting garbage bag of just aluminum cans was mostly beer cans and mostly his. I feel a little sorry for his liver, but whatever. After we sat down to eat there was a late-arriving couple. I'm not sure who they were related to or even who they were, but he was one of the most colorful characters I've seen in a while. His slight slur and overly loud voice announced that he had already tossed back a couple, and he proceeded to tell the table next to us that he had tried to get his companion (wife or girlfriend, I don't know) to stop on the drive over because their was a dead pheasant on the road. She apparently refused because it was dead and bloated. He answered that "so what, it's a pheasant! With the feathers, all out like.." and then he motioned with his hands and fingers how a pheasant's feathers are, which apparently are similar to a showgirl's costume. He then did admit that it was, in fact long dead and bloated, but that would not have deterred him from putting it in the car with them. This gentleman made the social rounds while his significant other sat down and talked with some other ladies in attendance. When offered the ribs he loudly replied "I can't! AIN'T GOT 'NUFF TEETH!"
The rural population, much like the urban poor, have limited access to reliable dental care. They often have neither the financial resources, nor the means of conveyance. Coupled with the pitiful social outreach and education programs in the rural south and unflourinated well-water, people's teeth are often less then stellar. Unless someone is all up in your grill with their snaggly gaping mouth, it's not something we really even register any more. It's very sad, and the social activist inside me gets angry at the short stick the rural population often gets, but I digress. On with the story.
So after the meal, homeboy walks up to us and introduces himself to my husband and myself, he tells us his name and then announces "Whatever, I'm fat and toothless!" and laughs. We laugh cautiously, wide-eyed and trying not to look at each other, because how are you supposed to respond to that? Hello, self-awareness! Wow. It wasn't so much that he was tooLESS, as tooth-lacking, really, but you gotta love a guy that just puts that right out there with an introduction. He then yells to his wife/girlfriend "Hey honey, they want me! Hahahaha!" Thankfully, he was just joking playfully with us.
They also brought their dog to the party. A small one-eyed mutt whom he stated was named "Red Owl", though he slurredly kept calling her "Red Barn, I mean, Red Bird...RED OWL!" I wondered if I had stumbled into a Jeff Foxworthy act. But serioulsy, he was pretty funny in a cool way. I'm laughin with, not at.
Sunday we worked in our little yard. I tried to get rid of my farmer's tan and planted the herbs I started from seed in the ground. I got basil, tomatoes and sage. Two of the tomato seedlings I seperated a few weeks ago to try a little experiment I heard about a few years ago. You can supposedly grow tomatoes hanging upside-down in a bucket. The reason it's cool is that one, you don't have to worry about staking the plants up, and two, the plant is supposed to produce more tomatoes because it doesn't have to expend any energy in strong stalks to hold itself up. There is an added bonus in decreased pest damage since ground bugs can't get to it. So we give it a try.
We have a huge dead tree in our backyard. It has all of it's limbs cut off except one, and it looks suspiciously like a giant gallows. The husband purchased a variety of rope, pulleys, rope cleats (???), hooks, etc. He's so MacGuyver. We rigged up this contraption, risking life and limb (hehe) hooking it up twenty feet high on this limb. We made things as difficult as possible by taking off the existing handle because we thought it was too flimsy for the growing plant, dirt, and all the water it would hold. I followed the directions and packed the drilled hole with coffee filters to keep the little seedling from falling out until it got a stirdy root system. He even hooked a tether to the bucket and tied it off on the house, so that if a strong storm comes and the bucket gets blown away, it will take the house with it! Weee! Auntie Em! Auntie Em! It's actually just to keep the bucket and plant from bashing into the tree.
So here it is. Our masterpiece.

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Boycott the insanity
Last night I saw my first commercial for Mission Impossible 3. Those who know me know what's coming. I despise Tom Cruise. I would like to point out, though, that my dislike was formed long before his latest sharp decent into madness. It helps that I never really liked him in the first place. Everybody thought it was so cute when he and Katie Holmes hooked up and she said she had had a childhood crush on him back in the day. Back in the Top Gun days, and heaven forbid, the Cocktail days I thought he was abrasively annoying even back then. Over the years he continues to call himself an "actor" but I disagree. He is a "movie star" and that is something totally different. He's the same character in every single movie. Yes, people will say there's been exceptions such as Interview with a Vampire and Magnolia, but not really. Every character he plays is a self-obsessed overconfident jackass. With that fanatical gleam in his eye, you know he rides every one around him into the ground with his incessant determination in the face of logic itself.
I dislike him for many reasons, but most of them center around one character trait. He's crazier than an outhouse rat without the decency to be ashamed of it. At least Margo Kidder hid in some bushes. He's out there lettin his little crazy light SHINE, at every mass-media opportunity he's attempting to shame us for our sanity. The nerve! He is well and truly gone, folks. We're talking all the way into WackoJacko land crazy. The thetans have eaten his brain. How crazy could he be?, you wonder.
Here are some highlights from an upcoming interview in GQ.
Some personal favorites:
"Cruise claims he can get a person off heroin in three days. "
"I just picked something up. And I knew at that moment she was pregnant.
'Cuz I notice things in people.""Sometimes people freak out when they see the stuff I do. But it's like,
'Look, this is who I am,' and people who know me know I'm very safe about it.
I'm not crazy ..."
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. No, in case you are wondering, I'm not going to see the movie. I saw the first and second one years ago and found them ridiculous, and not in the awesomely unintentional Snakes on a Plane kind of ridiculous, but the Armageddon kind. And really, why would anyone want to see him prance his little self around on the big screen getting shot at and almost blown up in his new movie? Unless he gets ACTUALLY shot and then actually blown up. I'd watch that. Just to make sure he was really dead, and then his broken corpse would have to be carted all over the country so we could all see it for ourselves and throw stones and rotten produce at it. Then we could all sleep a little easier.

Exciting Career Possibilities!
A few examples from a local job posting site:
Convenient store clerk- as much fun as re-enacting whole scenes from Clerks would be, the hours would undoubtedly suck. Plus, there's that whole "the next person who comes in the door might greet me with bullets" thing. Meh, I'll pass.
Truck driver- Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin'. We gonna do what they say can't be done. We've got a long way to go, and it's shore time to get there...ok, enough of that. I don't even have the appropriate licenses or training to be a trucker. Although yes, the inevitable basset hound sidekick and CB radio banter would be cool, my own inability to go more than two hours without a bathroom stop prevent this from being a true career possibility.
Welder-ok, but only if they will accept frizzy hair, torn sweatshirts, and a fierce desire to DANCE, BABY DANCE in lieu of actual welding experience or skill.
Bojangles associate- 'nuff said.
Substitute newspaper carrier- I'd need to practice my "Gimme my TWO DOLLARS!" and haunting stare. The opportunity to peg bathrobed people with heavy newspapers sounds kinda fun, although the hours would probably be heinous. Plus, I don't have a bike.
Sanitation worker- Remember how people always used to say that garbage men got paid a lot. Yeah, not so much. They'd have to pay me more than twenty grand a year to be in trash all day. You'd never get that smell out of your hair.
Nursing Home Activity Director-Here is the kicker, the ad says "must meet current federal regulation". I have no idea what that means, but it makes you wonder if maybe Homeland Security is worried I might make one of the activities "bomb-making" or if Department of Health and Human Services is concerned I might try to make the elderly kickbox each other. I think they should keep in mind that if the elderly had the energy and resouces they'd probably be kickboxing the staff and blowing up the nursing home all on their own with no outside help or guidance.
Latino Services Coordinator- Sounds great, only one teensy little problem. No habla espanol.
Sales Associate at Cracker Barrel-I hate Cracker Barrel. Cracker Barrel embarrasses me as a Southerner, an American, and a member of the human race. It's this horrific, Disney-ized, homogenized, merchandized machine spitting out rehydrated country fried meat-product and soylent turnip greens. The "country store" half is all teddy bears dressed in lace jumpers, useless woodcut animals and anything they can plaster a Coca-cola sign on. It is reminiscent of the neocon movement in it's insidious appearance of old-fashioned values and "aw shucks" mentality, but underneath this insultingly shallow veneer is a greedy italian-suit wearing conglomerate monstrosity bent only on wealth and world domination at any cost. I would rather get shot in the face by Dick Cheney than work there. At least Dick doesn't try to hide who he is.

Monday, April 10, 2006
Feel the burn
Yesterday was gorgeous. Full on, unadulterated, no holds barred SPRING. Spring is my favorite season. It is unpredictable, tempestous, and blissfully hopeful all in the space of a few hours. While our springs may be short here in the South, they are genuine and they are glorious. The yard of our little house is bordered by three different colored azaleas in full bloom, and to my delight, a fragrant lilac. After being in Florida for over a year with it's hateful lack of seasons and never-changing landscape of suck it's like a sweet lover's kiss. The cool breeze caressing my skin, the warm sun filtering through new leaves, the melodic birdsong around the yard. And with all that comes the bird crap all over my car and the brutal farmer's tan I got yesterday doing yard work and lounging around reading outside. Its' so bad it's almost comical. As only imminent melanoma can be!
Last weekend we planted a flower bed with various annual seeds, hollyhock, cleome, snapdragon, cosmos and giant sunflower. They are all starting to break the soil, and I'm so proud and excited you'd think I gave actual birth to each one. Over on the side of our yard I planted a line of black hollyhocks. Yes, I said BLACK. They will be fully visible from the road and I think they'll add certain "hardcore" vibe to the place that says "I'm already growing the flowers for your funeral, punk." I'm hoping it will help to scare off solicitors and Jehovah's Witnesses, but if they don't the ever-musical sound of me racking my shotgun will. No, we haven't met any of our neighbors yet, why do you ask? I used to be friendly with neighbors, really. But I had a bad experience, and the telling of it will be saved for another day.
Let's all take a moment to recognize the beauty and wonder of the season while my arms are burning like a witch at the stake.

Friday, April 07, 2006
My cat is sick and I don't mean ill
My cat throws up a lot. A Lot. So much so, that I'm beginning think he likes it. Sick, huh? Now I know what you're thinking, OMG, what if your cat is really sick? What if he is slowly dying a painful death of multi-organ failure due to chronic ingestion of unknown toxins??!! The humane society is totally gonna put your ass in jail for negligent pet ownership, you heartless witch, yadda yadda. Yeah, I thought all that too, the first...ah...twenty times he ralphed and didn't die. Plus the fact that he's otherwise quite healthy and active. So my current informal diagnosis stands. He's an emetophiliac, either that or he's bulemic and just not very good at it.
What's an emetophiliac? Here's a little bit of info to file away in your "I didn't need to know that" file, as we all know there's freaky folks out there who like to do freaky stuff. Stuff to themselves, stuff to others. Now, I'm a "live and let live" kinda person. Whatever you, as a consenting adult, do with other consenting adults, in private, is none of my business. I could not care less. And, believe me, in my years of surfing the internet, I have heard about things I'd love to dig out of my brain with an icepick. Some of it is gross, and some of it is just plain downright silly. We've all heard of the biggies (especially if you watch CSI), shoe fetishes, furries, diaper fetishes, leather, corsets, etc. They may not be mainstream activities, but we've heard about them. Shoot, R. Kelly was caught on tape peeing on a girl. But what about the less common ones? The ones that make your brain seize up for a second while it attempts to process the sheer weirdness of it. For instance, there such a thing as balloon fetish. Whoa. And dental brace fetishism. Ew. Some people think being robbed is hot. And here's one for the mothers out there, unbirth fetish. Knock knock, your kid wants back in, ladies.
Speaking of things people want or do that makes your brain grind to a screeching halt, last night on Primetime there was a story about people who want to be amputees. Yes, that's what I said. They say they are amputees on the inside. Their inner child can't play on the playground, because it has no legs. I'm sorry, that was crude. Seriously though. It sounded a lot like the way people talk who have gender identity disorder, which most people have seemed to wrap their brains around now. The people on the show either have or fantasize about putting one or both of their legs in dry ice, forcing amputation. Yeah.
But I digress. I was talking about my cat. He ralphs. A lot. Yeah.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Too cold
Why yes, I have been known to wax chumps like candles when presented the opportunity. Although, when the lights are turned off, I do not glow. Not that I know of, anyway. The most horrible and awesome truth of the matter is that everybody's favorite cupcake-flavored one hit wonder was, in fact, my first live concert. Oh, yes. I must come clean. My older sister took my eleven year old self and two friends to the Atlanta Civic Center back in 1991, and we watched with a mixture of horror and fascination as Robert Van Winkle humped every surface of that stage. Literally. The man made love to the floor. In parachute pants. With that bizarrely silly fade haircut that looked more like a bike ramp than something that goes on one's head.
Not that I'm knockin' Ice. He was a product of pop culture at the time, as this strange website I found attests:
...he was for a glimmering moment in the early 90's - the quintiessential cover kid of Pop Magazine. No other icon could reach as far, reach such heights, and all with such a whacked attitude.
We loved him. We thought his dance moves were the smoothest, and vulgar as they were, they did give us an enlightening lesson in what to expect when we ourselves entered dance clubs in our later teen years. That's pretty much how guys dance. They hump things.
I can't wait to wear my new shirt out and about. I look forward to people's confused faces as they try to make sense of it. The wide-eyed recognition and inevitable laughter of a few will be like a scarlet letter on their chest. They will have outed themselves. Back in '91 they too wore the hammer pants. They too knew all the words to the song. They too did the running man and the roger rabbit with such vigor their pinch rolls came loose.
And I'll casually nod my head and say to them....word to your mother.
P.S. While researching this post I discovered the existence of a Vanilla Ice Doll. The inane practice of making dolls of just about anyone with fifteen minutes of fame under their belt aside, I'd really just like to know why he's making a shadow puppet dog with his hand.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Ah, the sharp cold ache of lost opportunity.
Excuse me, I need to go find something to beat down.

Ok, so where was I? So I'm feeling extra depressed and angry at the prospect of having to find a job in another sector, because 1) my options are mental health, or office assistant, 2) they don't pay any better, and 3) they both would suck. Not to mention the fact that the mental health jobs here are scanty (Thank you, red-state bastards!), and the fundamental truth that office assissant jobs inevitably lead to problems with one's OWN mental health (No, boss, I don't think it is my job to arrange the insurance on your personal 4 wheeler at your vacation home or wrap your own kid's Christmas presents. I'm sorry I used the red bow instead of the silver on your eight year old's new camera phone, I'M NOT THE GIFTWRAP DESK AT F**KING BLOOMINGDALE's.)
Somebody get me a pint of Ben & Jerry's and Serenity on DVD, stat! I need to see crazy-ass River put the smack down on some people.
I'm waiting.....
A pudding pop and a season of Angel?
An ice cube and a game of Whedon charades?
Fine. I see how it is.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Spider-hunting nudist ends with ring of fire
Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid.
See, it's like Caddyshack, but with deadly spiders and nudity! Somebody start writing the screenplay, quick!
Oh, and then this line at the end of the article really puts the icing on the cake: NRMA Careflight said it was called to a property in the same area in January when another man kicked a spider that was crawling up the wall of a friend's cabin. The man broke his leg in two places, it said.
Dude kicks a wall and his leg folds like a lawn chair? Where his bones made out of drinking straws?
A little too ironic?
Which circle of hell does this get you? Anybody got a copy of Dante laying around?