Hyperbolic and plebeian observations on life.

Location: NC

"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" -Pride and Prejudice

Monday, April 03, 2006

Spider-hunting nudist ends with ring of fire

That's the actual headline. That sound you hear is Johnny Cash rolling in his grave.

Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid.

See, it's like Caddyshack, but with deadly spiders and nudity! Somebody start writing the screenplay, quick!

Oh, and then this line at the end of the article really puts the icing on the cake: NRMA Careflight said it was called to a property in the same area in January when another man kicked a spider that was crawling up the wall of a friend's cabin. The man broke his leg in two places, it said.

Dude kicks a wall and his leg folds like a lawn chair? Where his bones made out of drinking straws?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never EVER pour gas down your spider hole.

3:57 PM  

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