Hyperbolic and plebeian observations on life.

Location: NC

"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" -Pride and Prejudice

Friday, April 28, 2006

Hot Peppers

Does anybody else remember Brian Peppers? He became a bit of a phenomenon a few months ago when his picture, collected as part of Ohio's sex offender registry, was discovered by the internet community. It became a passing fad for a while to send a link to his pic to your friends, mostly to scare the crap out of them. The fact that he was...rather unusual looking was bad enough , but coupled with conviction of sexual crimes just makes him downright creepy. In fact, my husband, known for his stone cold inflappability, actually shuddered at the Peppers pic. Why is he so fascinating? Probably, because we feel he is a moral null. Yes, he is obviously got some real physical syndrome going on, which would make us feel some real cognitive moral dissonance in spreading around his pic like a sideshow horror. What evens the scale for us is that the only reason we are aware of Mr. Peppers is that he is included in a Sex Offender Registry. Our consciences go immediately from "AAAH GAAWD! Well, he can't really help it, poor guy." to "AAAH GAWD! THAT FREAK'S A PERVERT!!!" and we feel free to circulate his picture without guilt, as he obviously asked for it by being a pervert.

You are thinking, I'm sure, well this is all fine and good but why discuss an old and busted internet meme from months ago? Because I just saw this today, and I can't decide if I should feel bad for laughing my butt off at it.

Food for thought, as Brian goes down in the annals of history as a celebrity pervert. "Sleep tight! Don't let the bedbugs or Brian Peppers bite!" Could he really help it? Wouldn't almost ANY sexual imposition by poor Peppers seem "Gross"? You know he can't get any. Maybe he just got fed up with the rejections and started flashing himself in frustrated rage. Somehow, though, I doubt the "justifiable crime of hideousness" would stand up in court. I guess he is doomed to roam the aisles of the adult movie theater, sharing Pee Wee's popcorn.


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