Ah, the sharp cold ache of lost opportunity.
I have just heard that I did not get a job I really wanted. A part-time job. Entry-level, no less. Apparently that magna cum laude bachelor's degree really is equal to that hill of beans I've always joked about. The supervisor did assure me that I was one of several STRONG candidates, wow, I feel so much better, LET ME TELL YOU. The other person must have had a college degree, passion for the job, completely flexible schedule, live LESS than a mile away and, most importantly have actual experience in the job field. That must be where I got hung up. Freaking experience. Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe experience isn't the best thing? Maybe I'm fresh and unjaded! Maybe since I have no preconception of how the same tasks were done at my LAST job, I'll be unencumbered by having to unlearn anything. Did that every occur to anybody??? I was assured that similar job vacancies were posted often, and I should definitely apply for them, as I have lots of potential.
Excuse me, I need to go find something to beat down.

Ok, so where was I? So I'm feeling extra depressed and angry at the prospect of having to find a job in another sector, because 1) my options are mental health, or office assistant, 2) they don't pay any better, and 3) they both would suck. Not to mention the fact that the mental health jobs here are scanty (Thank you, red-state bastards!), and the fundamental truth that office assissant jobs inevitably lead to problems with one's OWN mental health (No, boss, I don't think it is my job to arrange the insurance on your personal 4 wheeler at your vacation home or wrap your own kid's Christmas presents. I'm sorry I used the red bow instead of the silver on your eight year old's new camera phone, I'M NOT THE GIFTWRAP DESK AT F**KING BLOOMINGDALE's.)
Somebody get me a pint of Ben & Jerry's and Serenity on DVD, stat! I need to see crazy-ass River put the smack down on some people.
I'm waiting.....
A pudding pop and a season of Angel?
An ice cube and a game of Whedon charades?
Fine. I see how it is.
Excuse me, I need to go find something to beat down.

Ok, so where was I? So I'm feeling extra depressed and angry at the prospect of having to find a job in another sector, because 1) my options are mental health, or office assistant, 2) they don't pay any better, and 3) they both would suck. Not to mention the fact that the mental health jobs here are scanty (Thank you, red-state bastards!), and the fundamental truth that office assissant jobs inevitably lead to problems with one's OWN mental health (No, boss, I don't think it is my job to arrange the insurance on your personal 4 wheeler at your vacation home or wrap your own kid's Christmas presents. I'm sorry I used the red bow instead of the silver on your eight year old's new camera phone, I'M NOT THE GIFTWRAP DESK AT F**KING BLOOMINGDALE's.)
Somebody get me a pint of Ben & Jerry's and Serenity on DVD, stat! I need to see crazy-ass River put the smack down on some people.
I'm waiting.....
A pudding pop and a season of Angel?
An ice cube and a game of Whedon charades?
Fine. I see how it is.
Why you are in mental health I will never know. You have a knack for telling a story so colorfully that you should be a writer. It's doesn't pay squat either though.
Sorry you didn't get the job but you don't want to work for jerks like that anyway, do you.
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