Office Space
Yesterday I got a call regarding two applications I submitted earlier in the week. Both wanted me to interview this morning.
Forty-five minutes and seven miles apart.
I was so shocked to get called back, all I could say was "Um...ok, sure."
And I would have made it to the second one on time, instead of two minutes late if I hadn't gotten stuck behind a freaking cement truck. So, anyway both interviews went well, but were totally at different ends of the spectrum. One was working as a Teacher's Assistant within the Special Education Department at an elementary school, which actually sounded pretty fascinating, but understandably it would be very emotionally draining and challenging.
The other one was a job with a credit union. Basically the gig would be assisting people opening checking accounts, and whatever stuff is too involved for the tellers. The people were really nice, seemed very low key (as opposed to a bank). Then they told me I'd get my own office. MY OWN OFFICE.
I'm sorry, could I repeat that?
I'd get my own office. With a door, and a desk, and little chairs, and possibly a red Swingline. When I heard that I was like "Well, I'm certainly interested!" Both places told me the were going to consider all the applicants and get back to me early next week. Fine.
So afterwards I ran some errands. I went to the grocery store and was perusing the selection of Glade plugins, debating on the economical wisdom of spending four dollars on another one for the house in preparation for my mother's impending visit. And I got a phone call.
The credit union people thought about it and offered me the job, starting Monday. I accepted, and threw the Glade plugin in the cart. (Because the employed me can have all the air fresheners I want, also name brand laundry detergent. Sliced cheese? I'll get two packs!)
You know that thing that married people always tell to single people that drives them crazy? The thing about "Stop looking and they'll fall in your lap?" Well, apparently the premise works on jobs too, except it goes more like "Stop hoping and start filling out applications out of bitter spite while you blog about how no one will hire you. Then the phone will ring." I still haven't heard back from my dream job at the library. I called this morning to inquire after the status of my application and was told that if I hadn't heard back from anyone in a MONTH, then they've hired someone else. I kind of hate those people, but whatever.
The good news is that I have a job. No, it's not the job I dream about, where I help and inspire people to enrich their lives, but it's a paycheck until that day comes.
Thanks, I'll be in MY OFFICE. My own little fortress of authority, where I lord over the finances of other people, while counting piles of gold coins like a good little banker.
Forty-five minutes and seven miles apart.
I was so shocked to get called back, all I could say was "Um...ok, sure."
And I would have made it to the second one on time, instead of two minutes late if I hadn't gotten stuck behind a freaking cement truck. So, anyway both interviews went well, but were totally at different ends of the spectrum. One was working as a Teacher's Assistant within the Special Education Department at an elementary school, which actually sounded pretty fascinating, but understandably it would be very emotionally draining and challenging.
The other one was a job with a credit union. Basically the gig would be assisting people opening checking accounts, and whatever stuff is too involved for the tellers. The people were really nice, seemed very low key (as opposed to a bank). Then they told me I'd get my own office. MY OWN OFFICE.
I'm sorry, could I repeat that?
I'd get my own office. With a door, and a desk, and little chairs, and possibly a red Swingline. When I heard that I was like "Well, I'm certainly interested!" Both places told me the were going to consider all the applicants and get back to me early next week. Fine.
So afterwards I ran some errands. I went to the grocery store and was perusing the selection of Glade plugins, debating on the economical wisdom of spending four dollars on another one for the house in preparation for my mother's impending visit. And I got a phone call.
The credit union people thought about it and offered me the job, starting Monday. I accepted, and threw the Glade plugin in the cart. (Because the employed me can have all the air fresheners I want, also name brand laundry detergent. Sliced cheese? I'll get two packs!)
You know that thing that married people always tell to single people that drives them crazy? The thing about "Stop looking and they'll fall in your lap?" Well, apparently the premise works on jobs too, except it goes more like "Stop hoping and start filling out applications out of bitter spite while you blog about how no one will hire you. Then the phone will ring." I still haven't heard back from my dream job at the library. I called this morning to inquire after the status of my application and was told that if I hadn't heard back from anyone in a MONTH, then they've hired someone else. I kind of hate those people, but whatever.
The good news is that I have a job. No, it's not the job I dream about, where I help and inspire people to enrich their lives, but it's a paycheck until that day comes.
Thanks, I'll be in MY OFFICE. My own little fortress of authority, where I lord over the finances of other people, while counting piles of gold coins like a good little banker.

CONGRATULATIONS! (sorry had to scream that)
Your job searching, application filling out, struck down yet again days are over....woo hooo!!!!!
Hope all goes well with the new 9 to 5 :)
Hey, now... what are banker's hours these days, anyways?
el Stoatse
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