No job for you!
Actually, I guess I could say I do kind of have a job. I'm a professional application completer. Currently it's just a volunteer gig, since the pay is..well...pretty nonexistant. But so far I've gotten no love from any of the places I've turned them back into. To state that I'm getting a bit depressed about the whole issue wouldn't be a complete falsehood. For the first few months I blamed it on the economy, and the glut of unemployed white-collahs out there, but junk's getting kinda ridiculous at this point. I mean, geez. And yes, I've broadened my "search". Yes, I totally want a library job, and I'll keep applying for them no matter what, but I'd like to make some cash in the meantime. I've applied for every admin assistant/clerk/receptionist/secretary within a fifteen mile radius.
Bupkiss. (Is that how you spell that?)
Not only do I have a college degree, but I have several years of experience being an admin asistant/clerk/receptionist/secretary. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. Or maybe it's not me. Maybe all the area businesses are run by snot-sucking neanderthals. Yeah, maybe that's it.
Anyway, so onto more interesting news: my father in law is planning a surprise 35th wedding anniversary vow-renewal/party Labor Day weekend, and my mother in law doesn't know (hence the surprise). I've been tasked with several things. One being to go out and buy three dresses to surprise the m-i-l with (then she can pick her fave and I'll take back the other two). That weekend we will also be celebrating two other wedding anniversaries and a birthday, so I have to make a banner. Why do I have to MAKE a banner? Because the freaking PARTY STORE didn't have a simple "Happy Anniversary" banner that didn't include "25th" or "50th". Ageist bastards.
I'm telling you, I'm just flower petals and powdered sugar today, huh?
Anyway, to balance out the bile, here's some funny sites friends brought to my attention today. They are collections of funny "motivational" posters. The first one is all Star Trek ones. This site pretty well cracked me up today, even though I've never played a RPG. Here's some funny examples.
It's "bupkes".
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