Hyperbolic and plebeian observations on life.

Location: NC

"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" -Pride and Prejudice

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

'Scuse me while I sip this chai

I would not be at ALL surprised if I was the only person who, while seeing these pics of Sharon Stone, immediately thought of the legend of Elizabeth Bathory, except she looks a few days shy of her next blood bath. I'm all for Hollywood expanding the definition of beauty to encompass a greater age range, but ol' Sharon needs to tone down that look a smidge. That hair is like one of those old powdered wigs after a bird attack. And WTF is up with the gold lips? It would appear that SOMEBODY's been getting freaky with C3pO.

I hear he's like a machine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like she's been sampling the ol' Goldenrod.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he must have used force...

i must say, i had the most wicked crush on sharon stone when i was in high school. i think it's her freckles.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was going to make an "R2DP" joke then decided not to go there.

8:08 AM  

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