Ph34r my l33t g4rd3n1ng 5ki115
So here are some update pics from our garden which we started about three months ago from seeds. We now have our first official flower! We planted giant sunflowers, which are getting pretty giant. They have no flowers yet, but the biggest is about three and a half feet tall already. They are supposed to grow something insane, like twelve or fourteen feet high. We also planted cleome, also called spider-flower, but I'm not really sure if those did anything. We have some as yet unidentifieds, so we think they may be them. Or those could possibly be the snapdragon we planted. We probably won't know until they flower. We have a very healthy-looking patch of Cosmos, most are about two and a half feet tall with buds all over them.
So you see, it wasn't the large and healthy Cosmos that first bloomed. No, it was the tiny runt over on the side that's half their size. I have the Underdog of flowers apparently.
Oh, and while inspecting the growing flower buds on the larger Cosmos, I noticed that when I touched it, it released moisture, becoming wet and shiny. Wow...that's weird and gross and ripe for a swift decent into the gutter. My husband then made it even worse by pointing out that it looked suspiciously like a cat'

I submit for your consideration: Cat butt, or flower bud?
And my last update pic is of our burgeoning materbucket. If you'll notice on top we've planted a crop of cilantro (no use in wasting perfectly good dirt up there), and the tomato is growing pretty quickly. The stalks are thick and strong, but it hasn't acclimated to growing upside down, and insists on turning up once it reached the edges of the bucket. It has several yellow flowers on it now, and will hopefully soon begin producing tomatos.

Random funny for your viewing pleasure: I stumbled across a few clips from a show called Robot Chicken on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, which I was unaware of because we don't have cable (nor do we stay up late enough to watch it anyway). One of the creators is Seth Green, who is one of my favorite people on earth anyway, but here are some video clips on YouTube which had me rolling. The Star Wars one, the Real World Metropolis, the Napoleon Bonamite...all are so funny you might fall off your chair.
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