Hyperbolic and plebeian observations on life.

Location: NC

"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" -Pride and Prejudice

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Less scary, more merry

My dad, after a few fits and starts, including another night in the ER due to overexertion (It aggravated his pneumonia), he's doing ok for now. He had stents put in, and we won't know his long term prognosis until the docs determine how well those are handling things.

I finally got all our Christmas shopping done, and all our shipments sent off to their myriad destinations. Oh, and I got sick last week. I'm almost totally better now, but around last Thursday or so I sounded like Bea Arthur after a glass shard gargling contest. Seriously. Every word out of my mouth made people flinch. If I'd had more sick time, unstead of using most of what I had going to see my dad in the hospital, I'd have been home in my jammies, instead I had stay at work and get my supervisor sick. Oops. In my defense, I did make a concerted effort to keep my pestilent butt cloistered away in my office and away from others. Apparently not a great enough effort was made.

Sunday night me and a coworker went and saw the Bare Naked Ladies in concert. The opening act was "The chick who used to front Six Pence and None the Richer", AKA the band who sang that "Kiss Me" song from She's all That. Yeah, that one. She sang that song and several more I'd never heard of. BNL was awesome, though. I'm admittedly not a huge fan. I mean, I sang the "One Week" song along with everyone else in college, and enjoyed their irreverent humor just as much as anyone else, but I never bought a cd or anything. I'd forgotten just how many songs of theirs I knew. "The Old Apartment", "Pinch Me", "If I Had A Million Dollars"...all I recognized pretty quickly. And they're totally hilarious in person. Goofy, vulgar and wonderfully enthusiastic. They talked between songs about how they enjoyed authentic Carolina BBQ...at Sonny's. People booed, lovingly of course. Several people held up Canadian license plates and flags. After a few songs one of the guys goes, "We get it. You're Canadian. We're Canadian. You can put the sign down now before the guy behind you shoves it up your ass."

They did some Christmas songs, which did more to get me in the Christmas spirit than pretty much anything thus far. I'm really glad I went. My friend totally loved my Ice Ice Baby shirt, so I recommended some other good funny t-shirt sites. And few things make me happier than to spread the funny t-shirt love. If we all had funny t-shirts, wouldn't the world be a much better place? You know it's true. Don't deny.


Blogger Talix said...

Word to your mother.

And to your father, who needs to calm himself down and just recover, darn it.

Happy Holidays!

11:45 AM  

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